The Sisters of Nazareth, until recently known as the Poor Sisters of Nazareth, are a Roman Catholic congregation of pontifical right, based in London, England. Members live in "Nazareth Houses" in English-speaking countries around the world: the UK, Ireland, United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Nazareth House in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, USA is not associated with the congregation.
The Catholic order of the same name - "Sisters of Nazareth" - which owns convents in Nazareth and Shefa-Amr in Israel is not associated with the "Sisters of Nazareth" congregation discussed here.
The same is true for the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth with houses in Nazareth and Haifa.
Victoire Larmenier was born on 21 July 1827 at Liffré, near Rennes, France. In 1851 she entered the Paris novitiate of the Little Sisters of the Poor, taking the name Sister Basil Marie. Shortly thereafter, she and four other sisters were sent to make a foundation in London. This was in response to a request from the London branch of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. In keeing with mission of the LSP they directed their service to the care of the elderly poor.
In October 1857 the Sisters built the first Nazareth House in Hammersmith. By this time, the Sisters were also caring for poor and infirm children. In 1861 Hammersmith community separated from the Little Sisters of the Poor and were recognised as a diocesan religious community under the title Poor Sisters of Nazareth in 1864. By the time of her death in June 1878, Larmenier had founded eight other Nazareth Houses in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.