Simão Dias is a Brazilian municipality located in the far west of the Brazilian state of Sergipe. Its population was 40,225 (2012) and its area is 560 km².
Founded in 1890
Paripiranga adjacent municipalities in the State of Bahia. Poço Verde, Tobias Barreto, Riachão do Dantas, Lagarto, Macambira, Pedra Mole e and Pinhão territory in Sergipe.
Distance to the capital 100 km
Geographical features
Área 559.615 km ² [3]
População 45,338 inhabitants IBGE/2012 [4]
Density 69.2 inhabitants / Km ²
Altitude 250 [5] m
Tropical dry and sub-humid [5] BSh, The 'Time Zone UTC−3
0.591 HDI Avg PNUD/2000 [6]
GDP U.S. $238 066 683 IBGE/2008 [7]
GDP per capita $6 226.90 IBGE/2008 [7]
Simão Dias is built on what once was a village of indigenous (remnants of Tapuias [1]) fugitives who had fled the north, where the Governor Luís de Brito e Almeida was busy carrying out colonizing expeditions in the sixteenth century. These indigenous peoples settled in the woods on the river Caiçá.
The lands of the county are a rugged due to the presence of a range of mountains, with altitudes ranging from 200 to 750 meters. This favors the existence of a vegetation less vulnerable to droughts typical backcountry. The zones between land and Paripiranga Simão Dias, municipality of Bahia, are formed by rough terrain, where you can check for closed forests, due to the impossibility of cereal crops and pastures. In this same area, there are numerous sites where you grow fruit trees and food crops, this provided relief to the Indigeans who first inhabited this region a true oasis, opposite the backcountry. Hence the origin of several designations contained in historical documents, as "Simão Dias's Woods," Matas Coité or the "Matas of Caiçá."
With the Dutch invasion in Sergipe in the mid-seventeenth century, there is the determination of farmers to hide their flocks on the banks of the Rio Real. However Braz Rabelo, owner of Bahia, who owned herds in the lands of present Itabaiana, decides to hide their cattle in the forest land by the River Caiçá. Emerge from this episode is that the historical figure of the cowboy Simão Dias, responsible for driving the cattle and the appearance of the village that would lead to cidade. Simão Dias was also the birthplace of great latinfundiários and planters bringing Mr. Martin Ferreira Matos, then one of the largest planters in the interior of Sergipe.
Simão Dias passed the village category for the City on June 12, 1890, by decree of the President of the State Felisbelo Freire, arguing that it had a large population - 10,984 people, a successful business, a railroad Vila said that connected to Aracaju, as well as the existence of a newly created district. Based on these arguments the village was emancipated from the municipality of Lagarto. The railroad, which served as one of the arguments for the political emancipation of the old village, was never completed, leaving today, some excavations and foundations of bridges where would the lines, which remain in abandoned farms.