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Sikkimese people

Sikkimese are the Indian peoples who inhabit the Indian state of Sikkim. The indigenous peoples of Sikkim consist of the Lepcha, migrating from Tibet, Bhutias, descendants of Buddhists who arrived from Tibet in the 15th century, who migrated from the Kham district of Tibet in the 14th century, and Indian Gorkhas, descendants of Hindus who arrived from Nepal in the 19th century. The current population is approximately 13% Lepcha,16% Limbu, 16% Bhutias and 51% Indian Gorkha.

The most widely accepted origin theory of the name Sikkim is that it is a combination of two Limbu words: su, which means "new", and khyim, which means "palace" or "house".

The dominant language is Nepali, but other languages include Bhutia, Dzongkha, Groma, Gurung, Kafle, Lepcha, Limbu, Magar, Majhi, Majhwar, Newar, Rai, Sherpa, Sunuwar, Tamang, Thulung, Tibetan, and Yakha.Vajrayana Buddhism, which accounts for 28.1 per cent of the population, is Sikkim's second-largest, yet most prominent religion. Prior to Sikkim's becoming a part of the Indian Union, Vajrayana Buddhism was the state religion under the Chogyal. Sikkim has 75 Buddhist monasteries, the oldest dating back to the 1700s. The public and visual aesthetics of Sikkim are executed in shades of Vajrayana Buddhism and Buddhism plays a significant role in public life, even among Sikkim's majority Indian Gorkha Hindu population.

