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Siglind Bruhn

Siglind Bruhn (born October 11, 1951 in Hamburg) is a German musicologist and concert pianist.

Siglind Bruhn was born in Hamburg. Her father was the engineer Ernst Bruhn, her mother the interpreter Leonore Bruhn née Kieberger. During the last two years before her high school graduation (Abitur 1970), she was a student in the piano class of Professor Eckart Besch at the Musikhochschule Hamburg. She completed her studies in the master class of Vladimir Horbowski at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart; 1975 State Examen (equivalent to a Master of Music) in piano performance and piano pedagogy. Concurrently she read Romance studies, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy at Munich University; 1976 Magister Artium (M.A.) with a thesis on the drama of Ramón del Valle-Inclán. During this time she met her future husband, the philosopher Gerhold K. Becker. In 1976-78 Siglind Bruhn wrote her first book, which links the pedagogical heritage of her teacher Horbowski with first attempts at her own research. After another four years of teaching she enrolled in the University of Vienna and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna [1] for doctoral studies; 1985 Dr. phil. summa cum laude with an interdisciplinary dissertation in musical analysis and psychoanalysis. Two years later she followed her husband, who had accepted a position in Hong Kong, and taught for six years at The University of Hong Kong. During her first sabbatical (1993–1994), which she spent at the University of Michigan, USA, she was invited to join the University's Institute for the Humanities [2], where she is currently a Life Research Associate for Music and Modern Literatures / Music in Interdisciplinary Dialogue.

