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Siege of Jerusalem (1187)

Siege of Jerusalem
Saladin and Christians of Jerusalem
Date 20 September to 2 October 1187
Location Jerusalem

Decisive Ayyubid victory

Vexillum Regni Hierosolymae.svg Kingdom of Jerusalem Flag of Ayyubid Dynasty.svg Ayyubid Sultanate
Commanders and leaders
Vexillum Regni Hierosolymae.svg Balian of Ibelin Surrendered
Vexillum Regni Hierosolymae.svg Heraclius of Jerusalem Surrendered
Flag of Ayyubid Dynasty.svg Saladin

Unknown, 60 impromptu Ibelin knights, plus the city watch of men-at-arms, archers and people recruited into the city's defence

  • likely strength around 4,000-6,000 men

Unknown, the army primarily made up of the surviving army from the Battle of Hattin and reinforcements gathered from Syria and Egypt.

  • likely strength around 20,000 men
Casualties and losses
Unknown Unknown

Decisive Ayyubid victory

Unknown, 60 impromptu Ibelin knights, plus the city watch of men-at-arms, archers and people recruited into the city's defence

Unknown, the army primarily made up of the surviving army from the Battle of Hattin and reinforcements gathered from Syria and Egypt.

The Siege of Jerusalem was a siege on the city of Jerusalem that lasted from September 20 to October 2, 1187, when Balian of Ibelin surrendered the city to Saladin. Citizens wishing to leave paid a ransom. The defeat of Jerusalem signalled the end of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Europe responded in 1189 by launching the Third Crusade led by Richard the Lionheart, Philip Augustus, and Frederick Barbarossa separately.

The Kingdom of Jerusalem, weakened by internal disputes, was defeated at the Battle of Hattin on 4 July 1187. Most of the nobility were taken prisoner, including King Guy. Thousands of Muslim slaves were freed. By mid-September, Saladin had taken Acre, Nablus, Jaffa, Toron, Sidon, Beirut, and Ascalon. The survivors of the battle and other refugees fled to Tyre, the only city able to hold out against Saladin, due to the fortuitous arrival of Conrad of Montferrat.

In Tyre, Balian of Ibelin had asked Saladin for safe passage to Jerusalem in order to retrieve his wife Maria Comnena, Queen consort of Jerusalem and their family. Saladin granted his request, provided that Balian not take up arms against him and not remain in Jerusalem for more than one day; however, upon arrival in the holy city, Patriarch Heraclius of Jerusalem, Queen Sibylla, and the rest of the inhabitants begged him to take charge of the defense of the city. Heraclius, who argued that he must stay for the sake of Christianity, offered to absolve him of the oath, and Balian agreed.

