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Siberian sturgeon

Siberian sturgeon
Acipenser baerii.jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Acipenseriformes
Family: Acipenseridae
Genus: Acipenser
Species: A. baerii
Binomial name
Acipenser baerii
J. F. Brandt, 1869
  • Acipenser stenorrhynchus Nikolskii 1896
  • Acipenser stenorrhynchus stenorrhynchus Nikolskii 1896
  • Acipenser baerii stenorrhynchus (Nikolskii, 1896)
  • Acipenser baerii chatys Dryagin 1948
  • Acipenser stenorrhynchus var. baicalensis Nikolskii 1896
  •  ?Acipenser baeri infra obensis Johansen 1945

The Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) is a species of sturgeon in the Acipenseridae family. It is most present in all of the major Siberian river basins that drain northward into the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian Seas, including the Ob, Yenisei (which drains Lake Baikal via the Angara River) Lena, and Kolyma Rivers. It is also found in Kazakhstan and China in the Irtysh River, a major tributary of the Ob. The species epithet honors the German Russian biologist Karl Ernst von Baer.

Siberian sturgeon is typically divided into two subspecies. However, recent studies suggest they may be monotypic, forming continuous genetically connected populations throughout their vast range.

The nominate taxon (A. b. baerii) accounts for 80% of all Siberian sturgeon and resides in the Ob River and its tributaries. This subspecies migrates to mouth of the Ob during the winter due to seasonal oxygen deficiency, and swims thousands of kilometers upstream to spawn.

The subspecies A. b. baicalensis, known as the Baikal sturgeon, is a unique lake form found primarily in the northern end of Lake Baikal and migrates up the Selenga River to spawn.

