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Shree ragam

Shree ragam is an ancient ragam in the Carnatic tradition. It is also written as Sri or Shri. This scale is a janya rāgam (derived scale), as it does not have all the seven swaras (musical notes) in the ascending scale.Shree is a janya rāgam of Kharaharapriya, the 22nd Melakarta rāgam. It is the last of the 5 Ghana rāgams of Carnatic music. It is a pleasing and popular rāgam. It is considered to be highly auspicious.

It is not related to the Hindustani raga, Shree. Notably, Carnatic Shree takes the lower madhyamam being a janya raga of Kharaharapriya.

Shree is an asymmetric rāgam that does not contain gāndhāram or dhaivatam in the ascending scale. It is a audava-vakra-sampurna rāgam (or owdava, meaning pentatonic in ascending scale), where vakra indicates the zig-zag nature of jumping notes in descending scale. Its ārohaṇa-avarohaṇa structure (ascending and descending scale) is as follows (see swaras in Carnatic music for details on below notation and terms):

This scale uses the notes chatushruti rishabham, sadharana gandharam, shuddha madhyamam, panchamam, chatushruti dhaivatam and kaisiki nishadam.

Shree rāgam has been decorated with compositions by many composers. A few of the popular kritis are listed here.

This section covers the theoretical and scientific aspect of this rāgam.

