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Serbian Lands

The term Serbian lands has been used for medieval Serbian state creations, for Serb-inhabited territories in the Ottoman and Habsburg period (15th–19th century), and in political-geopraphical use since the independence of Serbia and Montenegro. During the Yugoslav wars it was used for the ethnic unification of Serbs through union of Serbia, Montenegro, Republika Srpska and Republic of Srpska Krajina.

The "medieval Serbian lands" included Serbian tribes, polities and monarchies, such as Raška, Serbian Empire, etc.

Roots of the Greater Serbian ideology are often traced back to Serbian minister Ilija Garašanin's Načertanije (1844), who envisioned a reconstruction of the Serbian Empire and unification of "Serbian lands", which included Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, northern Albania, parts of Dalmatia and the Habsburg Military Frontier.

In 1857, while traveling across "Ancient Serbia", Alexander Fedorovich Gilferding (1831-1872), a Russian Slavist and travel writer of German origin, wrote: "an Orthodox Serb, wherever he might live – in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia, Hungary, Principality of Serbia – has, besides a church, one great homeland, Serbian land, which is, to tell the truth, divided among many masters, but it exists as an ideal, as the land of the unified Orthodox Serbian nation. He has his own oral tradition, folklore; he knows about Serbian Saint Sava, Serbian Emperor Dušan, Serbian martyr Lazar, hero Kraljević Marko. His current life rests upon the foundations of his nation and it is permeated with the previous historical life of the nation".

