Senninha is a Brazilian comic book series created by Rogério Martins and Ridaut Dias Jr., whose main character is based upon Formula One world champion Ayrton Senna.
Senninha was launched in 1994 by the publisher Abril, some months before the Senna's death. After Senna's death, the comics have become very popular and remain the leading the sales until 1999, when in the same year the comics began to be published by however the series was canceled in 2000 after few issues. In 2008 the comic returned by the publisher HQM, but due to poor sales and promotion was canceled again.
All profits from licensing of the character go to the Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Senninha was designed by Rogerio Martins Jr and Ridaut Days in 1994. The pair was looking to publish the character but were low on money. They met with Ayrton Senna who suggested the design be based on himself.
The first publication was on February 27, 1994. It was published by Editora Abril and made available free to every school in Brazil. The publications of the character transferred to Brainstore before being cancelled later that year. The comics were also sold in various bookstores in Europe. Senninha returned in 2008 with new publishers HQM Publisher. All of the sales of Senninha contribute to the Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Senninha's name has been used on more than 370 products ranging from shirts to helicopters. A brand of eyewear created by the House of Watchmakers under Senninha's name is aimed at children under the age of twelve.
DiverBras Entertainment developed a Senninha licensed racing arcade game entitled Senninha GP in 2008. The game was developed in Brazil by a team of 25 developers. It was first released in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.