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Second Federal Electoral District of Chiapas

Mexico Parties
PAN logo (Mexico).svg PAN
PRI logo (Mexico).svg PRI
PRD logo (Mexico).svg PRD
PT logo (Mexico).svg PT
PVE dark logo (Mexico).svg PVEM
Movimiento Ciudadano.svg MC
PNA logo (Mexico).svg PANAL

The Second Federal Electoral District of Chiapas (II Distrito Electoral Federal de Chiapas) is one of the 300 Electoral Districts into which Mexico is divided for the purpose of elections to the federal Chamber of Deputies and one of 12 such districts in the state of Chiapas.

It elects one deputy to the lower house of Congress for each three-year legislative period, by means of the first past the post system.

The Second District of Chiapas is located in the Altos de Chiapas region and covers the municipalities of Aldama, Bochil, Chalchihuitán, Chapultenango, Chenalhó, Francisco León, Huitiupán, Ixhuatán, Jitotol, Larráinzar, Ocotepec, Pantelhó, Pantepec, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán, Rayón, San Andrés Duraznal, San Juan Cancuc, Santiago el Pinar, Simojovel, Sitalá, Tapalapa and Tapilula.

