The Second Congress on the French Language in Canada (French: Deuxième Congrès de la langue française au Canada) was held at Université Laval in Quebec City from June 27 to July 1, 1937. The 8,000 congress members conclude the event with the formulation of 46 vows.
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Congress of 1912, the Société du parler français organized a second congress in Quebec City between June 27 and July 1, 1937.
This second congress used the same formula as that of the first congress, with the exception that it was not planned to coincide with the festivities of the French-Canadian National Day, but rather shortly after. The theme of the second congress was: "The French spirit in Canada, in our language, our laws, our habits" (L'esprit français au Canada, dans notre langue, dans nos lois, dans nos mœurs).
The organizing committee of the Congress, set up by the Société du parler français on May 8, 1936, was presided by Mgr Camille Roy, president of the Society and rector of Université Laval. It is also Camille Roy who presided the executive office of the organizing committee. The executive office set up committees on finance, propaganda, reception, and religious ceremony as well as various sub-committees.
An honorary committee was instituted to add to the prestige of the event. The members of this committee were the most visible State and Church officials of Quebec: the archbishop of Quebec Jean-Marie-Rodrigue Villeneuve as patron of the Congress; the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Ésioff-Léon Patenaude as honorary president; the premier of Quebec Maurice Duplessis, the federal minister of justice Ernest Lapointe and the mayor of Quebec Joseph-Ernest Grégoire as honorary vice-presidents.