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Second Cold War

Cold War II (also called the New Cold War,Second Cold War and Cold War 2.0) refers to a renewed state of political and military tension between opposing geopolitical power-blocs, with one bloc typically reported as being led by Russia and/or China, and the other led by the United States or NATO. This is akin to the original Cold War that saw a global confrontation between the Western Bloc led by the United States and the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union, Russia's predecessor state. American political scientist Robert Legvold posits that the "new Cold War began the moment we went over the cliff, and that happened with the Ukraine crisis." Others, such as Andrew C. Kuchins in 2016, believe that the term is "unsuited to the present conflict," though Kuchins argues it may be more dangerous.Philip N. Howard believes that the conflict is experienced primarily over and through broadcast media, social media, and information infrastructure.

Past sources, such as academics Fred Halliday,Alan M. Wald, and David S. Painter, used the interchangeable terms to refer to the 1979–1985 and 1985–1991 phases of the Cold War.

Some sources use the term as a possible or unlikely future event, while others have used the term to describe ongoing renewed tensions, hostilities, and political rivalry that intensified dramatically in 2014 between the Russian Federation on the one hand, and the United States of America, NATO, European Union, and some other countries on the other. Journalist Edward Lucas wrote the 2008 book The New Cold War: How the Kremlin Menaces both Russia and the West, claiming that the new Cold War between Russia and the West has begun.

