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Scout Association of Uzbekistan

Scouting in Uzbekistan was founded in 1995, and is working toward World Organization of the Scout Movement recognition. In 1998, Scouting was limited to two Scout troops with a total of 15 members. Since the increasing presence of the United States military in the region after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Scouting is beginning to develop more thoroughly, and the fledgling organization, Kidirib Topubchi O'zbekiston, the Uzbekistan Union of Scout-Explorers, has issued insignia, considered to be a large step for nascent Scout organizations.

As far as is known, Scouting was not introduced to the region during the khanate period of the pre-Soviet era.

On October 5, 2004, the Internet Access and Training Program (IATP) brought together 20 Scouts from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan for a two-hour online discussion of their activities from the IATP access sites in Jizzakh, Tashkent, and Urgench, Uzbekistan, as well as in five cities in Kazakhstan, aimed to bring together representatives of the Scouting movements from these countries to promote friendship and cooperation. Nariman Shayakubov, the leader of the Scouting club at Rabati Malik (named after the ruins on the road from Samarkand to Bukhara, seen in the Uzbek Scout insignia), the Travelers Association in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, shared stories of planting trees, picking up litter in the mountainous Chimgan area north of Tashkent, and hiking. He also told of his organization's international collaboration, hosting a group of German Scouts in Uzbekistan in 2003 and making a 20-day trip to Germany funded by Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder, the German Scouting organization. The Scouts of Uzbekistan told about the challenges they faced in getting Scouting off the ground in Uzbekistan, including ignorance of Scouting among the general population and resistance they faced in getting their organization registered by government agencies.

