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Santo Salvatore's fiest

Festa del Santissimo Salvatore a Pazzano or Santo Salvatore's fiest (in calabrian dialect: Festa do Sarvaturi) is a three days catholic fiest celebrated in Pazzano (RC - Italy) every first weekend after the fifth of August. It was, originally,tha transfiguration of Christ Byzantine fiest, celebrated today by both catholic and orthodox church the sixth of August. Every year many people reach the town for taking part of it. It is divided in a civil and religious program. The nine days before the fiest, it is celebrated Novena (in calabrian dialect: Novina): the adoration of Santo Salvatore statue, reciting prayers for nine days. Novena is preceded by a litany.

The wooden statue was created in 1797 by serrese sculpture Vincenzo Scrivo, discovered thanks to a restoration made in the 1980s.

Pazzano-Australian emigrants in Sydney (Australia) in Narrawena suburb celebrate Santo Salvatore's fiest with a similar statue of the St John the apostole parish.

In 2006, was made another little restoration, and that year the fiest begin at the border of Stilo at Via Nazionale.

The religious procession relives three periods of Jesus' life. First: transfiguration of Christ upon Mount Tabor, symbolized by the path from the little chapel to the Calvary going through the "Parrera" street, that is a name of Greek origin meaning: "steep climb". The second is the "Cumprunta" or "Cunfrunti" of the Sunday morning where Saint Joseph and Mary meet Jesus coming back from the temple for learning from the masters and the third it is Cumprunta of Sunday Afternoon, where Jesus greets his parents and begin is predication, symbolized by a circuitous route through the streets and alleys of the town.

Kyrie, eleison

Christe, eleison
Kyrie, eleison

Christe, audi nos
Christe, exaudi nos

Pater de coelis, Deus, miserere nobis
Fili redemptor mundi, Deus, miserere nobis
Spiritus Sancte, Deus, miserere nobis
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, miserere nobis

