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Sanlaap is an Indian feminist non-governmental organisation, established by Indrani Sinha in 1987 in Calcutta. Based in Calcutta, the group aims to protect the human rights of women and girls. Sanlaap is a developmental organisation that works towards correction of social imbalances which present themselves as gender injustice and violence against women and children. The primary work is focused against trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and forced prostitution. As part of its work, the group starts shops to train girls to make a living and foster their independence.

In 1987 a group of researchers and teachers decided to work for the rights of women and female children. In 1989–90, a study of sexually abused females in Calcutta and its suburbs revealed that girls who were sexually abused when they came in search of work as domestic help and in other forms of employment, often ended up in red light areas. The plight of girls who had been trafficked, tricked and forced into child prostitution became the focus of Sanlaap’s work.

Interacting with women in prostitution (WIP) revealed the need of these women to find a safe place for their children while they were busy during evening hours. The idea of a Drop in Centre (DIC) came out as a need expressed by the women in prostitution. Today, Sanlaap runs 14 DICs (drop in centres) in 11 red light districts of Kolkata and its outskirts under its Education Programme (SOPAN).

Mothers in the red light areas of Kolkata voiced concerns that their girls in the age group 12–13 years drop out of schools and get married, and are eventually deserted by husband, often left with a child. They then join the women in prostitution for survival. The women living there also explained how they were trafficked by their husbands, families and friends using the false leads of marriage and employment. They wanted their female children to be safe and out of prostitution and the sex industry.

The idea of a shelter home evolved through this experience, and the first shelter home was started in July 1993. There are three—SNEHA ("Affection")—Shelter Homes in Kolkata and the two districts which house more than 150 girls who are minors rescued from prostitution, children of women in prostitution and vulnerable girls rescued from sexual abuse. Mental Health Intervention Programme through Counselling (1995–96), Vocational skills leading to production (SRIJONI) and economic empowerment, dance as therapy (SANVED), formal and non-formal education are some major interventions and projects of the organisation.

