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Saints' Roost Museum

The Saints' Roost Museum in Clarendon, Texas, United States, features heirlooms from Panhandle ranches, farms, and businesses as well as a renovated railroad depot and a collection of materials from the Red River War. The unusual name of the museum is derived from Clarendon having been established in 1878 as a prohibition community by a Methodist clergyman, L.H. Carhart. A "sobriety settlement" in contrast to typical boom towns of that era, Clarendon acquired the sobriquet "Saints Roost" from local cowboys.

The Fort Worth and Denver Railway depot was moved to the Saints' Roost location in 1996 and fully restored. A kitchen area has been placed behind the ticket office. The original depot dates to 1887, when the railroad reached both Clarendon, the seat of Donley County, and Amarillo some sixty miles to the west. The replica depot contains some of the materials used in the original building, which was improved twice in the early 20th century.

Another focus of the museum, the Red River War was a military campaign launched by the United States Army in 1874 to remove various Indian tribes, including the Comanche under Chief Quanah Parker, from the Southern Great Plains and relocate them to reservations in the former Indian Territory (since Oklahoma).

