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Saint Rudesind

Saint Rudesind
Estatua no frontal do Mosteiro de San Salvador de Celanova - Galiza.jpg
Saint Rudesind, Saint Salvator Monastery, Celanova, Galicia (Spain)
Born November 26, 907
Cela or Valdesalas, Galicia
Died March 1, 977
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Canonized 1195 by Pope Celestine III
Major shrine Celanova Abbey
Feast March 1
Patronage Pinar del Río, Cuba

Saint Rudesind (Galician: San Rosendo, Rudesindo; Latin: Rudesindus) (November 26, 907 – March 1, 977) was a Galician bishop and abbot. He was born into the nobility; his father was Count Gutierre Menéndez (Latin: Gutiher Ermegildi), brother-in-law to Ordoño II and supporter of Alfonso III of León, and his mother was St. Ilduaria Eriz (Latin: Hilduara Erici), daughter of count Ero Fernández. His sister Hermesenda became mother-in-law of Gonzalo Menéndez, Count of Portugal. Rudesind was related to the abbess Saint Senorina. He became a Benedictine monk at a young age and became bishop of Mondoñedo (Dumium) at the age of 18 (as Rudesind II), succeeding his uncle Sabarico II.

He founded, under the Benedictine Rule, monasteries such as Saint John of Caaveiro (San Xoán de Caaveiro) (934) and the Monastery of San Salvador de Celanova (September 12, 936).

To build Caaveiro, he managed to make his brother Fruela (Latin: Froyla) and his cousin Jimena (Latin: Scemena) give up their rights to the land of Villar, where he built this monastery.

