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Founded November 1947
Date dissolved 1966
Members 2,732,909 (1960)
Affiliation WFTU
Key people Harjono, Setiadjit, Njono, Munir
Country Indonesia

The Central All-Indonesian Workers Organization (Indonesian: Sentral Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia (SOBSI)) was the largest trade union federation in Indonesia. It was closely linked to the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), but was suppressed along with the PKI after the 1965 coup that installed the New Order regime.

SOBSI was founded in Jakarta on November 29, 1946, the first trade union federation to emerge after the Second World War. SOBSI held its first national congress in Malang in May 16–18, 1947. A constitution of the organization was adopted, which called for workers to unite and struggle for the creation of a socialist society. SOBSI was organized along industrial lines, but craft unions enjoyed equality within the organization. Amongst the sectors represented in SOBSI at the time of its foundation were teachers, printers, pawnshop employees, longshoremen, teamsters, miners, seamen, gas and electricity, oil workers, estate workers and railroad workers.

Around 600-800 delegates participated in the Malang congress. Most of them came from Java. One delegate represented the Indonesian Democratic Union from West Timor. Foreign guests at the Malang congress included two Australians, Ted Roach and Mike Healy, and two Dutch trade unionists, Blokzijl (of Eenheids Vakcentrale) and RKN Vijlbrief. J.G. Suurhof (of Nederlands Verbond van Vakvereenigingen) and Evert Kupers, in his capacity as the vice-chairperson of World Federation of Trade Union, were attending the congress as well. Rajkni Tomovic (Yugoslavia), Jean Lautissier (France) and Olga Tchetchekina (Russia) of the WFTU were also present.

The top leadership of the new organization consisted of the chairman Harjono, the vice chairman Setiadjit (chairman of the Labour Party of Indonesia and second Deputy Prime Minister in the Sjarifuddin cabinet) and general secretary Njono.

