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SAM (file format)

Sequence Alignment Map (SAM) is a text-based format for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence developed by Heng Li. It is widely used for storing data, such as nucleotide sequences, generated by next generation sequencing technologies. "The format supports short and long reads (up to 128Mbp) produced by different sequencing platforms and is used to hold mapped data within the GATK and across the Broad Institute, the Sanger Centre, and throughout the 1000 Genomes project. Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format for alignment of nucleotide sequences (e.g. sequencing reads) to (a) reference sequence(s). May contain base-call and alignment qualities and other data."

The SAM format consists of a header and an alignment section. The binary representation of a SAM file is a BAM file, which is a compressed SAM file. SAM files can be analysed and edited with the software SAMtools. The header section must be prior to the alignment section if it is present. Heading's begin with the '@' symbol, which distinguishes them from the alignment section. Alignment sections have 11 mandatory fields, as well as a variable number of optional fields.

1. QNAME: Query template NAME. Reads/segments having identical QNAME are regarded to come from the same template. A QNAME ‘*’ indicates the information is unavailable. In a SAM file, a read may occupy multiple alignment lines, when its alignment is chimeric or when multiple mappings are given.

2. FLAG: Combination of bitwise FLAGs

3. RNAME: Reference sequence NAME of the alignment. If @SQ header lines are present, RNAME (if not ‘*’) must be present in one of the SQ-SN tag. An unmapped segment without coordinate has a ‘*’ at this field. However, an unmapped segment may also have an ordinary coordinate such that it can be placed at a desired position after sorting. If RNAME is ‘*’, no assumptions can be made about POS and CIGAR.

4. POS: 1-based leftmost mapping POSition of the first matching base. The first base in a reference sequence has coordinate 1. POS is set as 0 for an unmapped read without coordinate. If POS is 0, no assumptions can be made about RNAME and CIGAR.

5. MAPQ: MAPping Quality. It equals −10 log10 Pr{mapping position is wrong}, rounded to the nearest integer. A value 255 indicates that the mapping quality is not available.

6. CIGAR: Concise Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report (CIGAR) string.

7. RNEXT: Reference sequence name of the primary alignment of the NEXT read in the template. For the last read, the next read is the first read in the template. If @SQ header lines are present, RNEXT (if not ‘*’ or ‘=’) must be present in one of the SQ-SN tag. This field is set as ‘*’ when the information is unavailable, and set as ‘=’ if RNEXT is identical RNAME. If not ‘=’ and the next read in the template has one primary mapping (see also bit 0x100 in FLAG), this field is identical to RNAME at the primary line of the next read. If RNEXT is ‘*’, no assumptions can be made on PNEXT and bit 0x20.

