Rosetta: The Masked Angel (仮面天使ロゼッタ Kamen Tenshi Rozetta, Masked Angel Rosetta) is a Japanese tokusatsu drama that aired from July 4 to September 26, 1998 on TV Tokyo. It featured the adventures of a young girl named Asuka who follows in her father's footsteps as Rosetta to battle evil monsters called Duats (デュアトス Dyuatosu). The series' motif was that of Ancient Egypt.
Demons that existed alongside humans in secret, feeding on them. It's the task of those from the Jin bloodline to combat the monsters and protect humanity.
A direct to video film titled Rosetta: The Masked Angel: Rosetta vs. Freia (仮面天使ロゼッタ 漆黒のフレイア Kamen Tenshi Rozetta: Shikkoku no Fureia, Masked Angel Rosetta: Jet-Black Freia) was produced and introduced Mae Yoshikawa (吉川 茉絵 Yoshikawa Mae) as the Masked Angel Freia (仮面天使フレイア Kamen Tenshi Fureia), an evil Masked Angel.