The Roland System 100 was an analog semi-modular synthesizer (having an internal fixed signal path that could be overridden by plugging patch cables into the front of the synth) manufactured by Japan's Roland Corporation, released in 1975 and manufactured until 1979. It consisted of the following products:
Synthesizer 101 A monophonic synthesizer with built-in keyboard, oscillator, filter, ADSR envelope generator and attenuator.
Expander 102 The same synthesizer again, without the keyboard, to be stood up behind the 101 and patched into it in order to double its features. In addition, a ring modulator and sample and hold are included.
Mixer 103 A four-channel stereo mixer with built-in spring reverb, stereo panning, and mono FX send/return.
Sequencer 104 A two-channel, 12-step sequencer to automate playing looped bars of notes.
Monitor speaker 109 A pair of 16cm speakers.
PCS-10 20cm, 40cm, 60cm, 80cm and 1m patch cables.
While the System 100 was not fully modular, unlike the later Roland System-100M and the Roland System 700, a complete system nevertheless formed an expandable two-oscillator monosynth with sequencing, monitoring and effects capabilities. Each unit was independently powered, so complex patches wouldn't cause either oscillator to droop in pitch. Uniquely for the time, the System 100 didn't "lock in" the oscillators to fixed footages or pitches, allowing greater flexibility for sound design. It uses the 1V/oct standard, so can be used with a MIDI-to-CV converter.