100 najboljih pesama svih vremena YU rocka (Top 100 Yugoslav Rock Songs of All Times) was a list compiled by the Serbian music magazine Rock Express. In 1999, Rock Express started the poll for the selection of top 100 Yugoslav rock songs. The whole list was published in the 25th issue of Rock Express, in 2000. The list contains rock music songs from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the songs from successor states.
Every voter chose five songs, each of them receiving a vote.
More than 3400 readers took a part in the poll. Readers from FR Yugoslavia and other SFR Yugoslavia successor states, as well as from other countries took a part in the poll.
120 journalists and music critics from FR Yugoslav media took a part in the poll.
100 musicians took a part in the poll. Although the names of the musicians were not stated, it was stated that former and current members of Riblja Čorba, Bijelo Dugme, Smak, YU Grupa, Leb i Sol, Vatreni Poljubac, Indijanci, Zbogom Brus Li, Čovek Bez Sluha, Atheist Rap, Kerber, Prljavi Inspektor Blaža i Kljunovi, Sunshine, Oktobar 1864, Goblini, Lutajuća Srca, Novembar, Galija, Siluete and other bands voted.