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Robert T. Pennock

Robert T. Pennock
Residence East Lansing, Michigan
Citizenship American
Nationality American
Fields Philosophy of science, evolution, criticisms of creationism
Known for Witness at Kitzmiller v. Dover
Notable awards

Outstanding Service Award (American Institute of Biological Sciences)

Outstanding Service Award (American Institute of Biological Sciences)

Robert T. Pennock is a philosopher working on the Avida digital organism project at Michigan State University where he has been full professor since 2000. Pennock was a witness in the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial, testifying on behalf of the plaintiffs, and described how intelligent design is an updated form of creationism and not science, pointing out that the arguments were essentially the same as traditional creationist arguments with adjustments to the message to eliminate explicit mention of God and the Bible as well as adopting a postmodern deconstructionist language. Pennock also laid out the philosophical history of methodological and philosophical naturalism as they underpin to science, and explained that if intelligent design were truly embraced it would return Western civilization to a pre-Enlightenment state.

Pennock received his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Pittsburgh, where he graduated summa cum laude. In 1997, he co-directed a National Science Foundation Chautauqua Workshop on the "Ethical Implications of the Human Genome Project." Pennock has served as president of the University of Texas at Austin Chapter of Sigma Xi and is a member of the American Philosophical Association, the National Center for Science Education and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

