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Classification and external resources
Specialty Infectious disease
ICD-10 A75-A79
ICD-9-CM 080-083
eMedicine ped/2015
MeSH D012288

A rickettsiosis is a disease caused by intracellular bacteria. It has been predicted that global warming may lead to greater incidence.

Rickettsioses can be divided into a spotted fever group (SPG) and typhus group (TG).

In the past, rickettsioses were considered to be caused by species of Rickettsia. However, scrub typhus is still considered a rickettsiosis, even though the causative organism has been reclassified from Rickettsia tsutsugamushi to Orientia tsutsugamushi.

Examples of rickettsioses include typhus, both endemic and epidemic, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Rickettsialpox.

Organisms involved include Rickettsia parkeri.

Many new causative organisms have been identified in the last few decades.

Most are in the genus Rickettsia, but scrub typhus is in the genus Orientia.

Doxycycline has been used in the treatment of rickettsial infection.

