Sir Richard Ryves ( 1643-1693 ) was a seventeenth-century Irish judge who served for several years as Recorder of Dublin.
He was born in Dublin, eldest son of Charles Ryves, an official of the Court of Chancery (Ireland), and his wife Jane Ogden; he was a grandson of Sir William Ryves, judge of the Court of King's Bench (Ireland) 1636-1648. The Ryves family were originally from Dorset, but Richard prided himself on being "a true born Dubliner". He married Mary Savage of Dublin in 1673. He lived first at St. Michael's Lane, then at Capel Street.
He graduated from the University of Dublin. He was called to the English Bar and then in 1669 returned to practice law in Ireland. He enjoyed the patronage of the Duke of Ormonde, through whom he obtained the position of Recorder of Kilkenny in 1671. In 1680 the office of Recorder of Dublin became vacant; Ryves who prided himself on being a "town-born child" (i.e. a true Dubliner) applied for and obtained it. He was admitted to the Middle Temple, ("called of grace") in 1669.
In 1682 Sir Richard Stephens was dismissed from his office as Second Serjeant, on suspicion of being a non-conformist in religion. Ryves, who claimed to be the most senior King's counsel, expected the office and was bitterly disappointed to be passed over in favour of William Beckett. He was soon compensated with the office of Third Serjeant. This office was then a very recent one, which had been created especially for Sir John Lyndon, who had been similarly disappointed in his hopes of becoming either Second Serjeant or a High Court judge. Ryves was promoted to Second Serjeant later in 1683. He combined the offices of serjeant and Recorder, despite the fact that the latter had a notoriously heavy workload, which may have contributed to the breakdown of his health. He was replaced as Recorder by Garrett Dillon in 1685, possibly due to the strain of overwork.