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Riaumont (literally meaning "royal mountain") is located on the hill of Riaumont, in the commune of Liévin, in the Pas-de-Calais département in northern France, in the former province of Artois. It refers to a Benedictine monastic community, a children's residential village, and a Scout group.

The village and religious community was first directed since its formation in the 1960s by Father Revet, until his death in 1986.

Built for young people at the request of the DDASS (the French social services) and the judges of Pas-de-Calais, this centre and independent school accepts children with disabilities like autism. The establishment was a main centre for children placed under the supervision of the DDASS. The French State financed the construction and the maintenance of the buildings as well as the teachers' salaries. The children have worked on the various building sites (receptions, farm, chapel, scout building, monastery, etc.), sometimes as a practical placement of vocational teaching courses, helping to transform the initial reception into a Catholic monastic centre. In parallel, Father Revet determined to set up a religious scouting movement.

In 1979, the DDASS found serious problems (poor hygiene, food safety conditions and maltreatment), and decided to close the centre in April 1982. The establishment now accommodates children removed by their families, in particular children originating from South-east Asia.

The religious community of Sainte-Croix (Holy-Cross) celebrates the liturgy according to the 1962 form of the Roman Rite, under the provisions of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. Its states an attribute of a twofold origin: Benedictine (the monks are Benedictine Oblates) and the scout movement. The frieze and the dress of ceremony refer to religious military orders. The main symbol is the potent, distinguished cross of the scouts of France and originating from the cross of kingdom of Jerusalem.

