The Regina Thunder, originally known as the Prairie Thunder, are a junior football club, based out of Regina, Saskatchewan. The Thunder are a part of the Prairie Football Conference (PFC), which is a six-member conference with teams from all three prairie provinces. The PFC is a member of the Canadian Junior Football League, and participates in national championships with two other conferences, based out of Ontario and British Columbia.
Each year the Thunder compete with their provincial rivals, the Saskatoon Hilltops for the Shrine Bowl. The Shrine Bowl is awarded to the team who has the highest total points in the two regular season games between each other.
2013 was a huge year for the Thunder as they defeated the three time defending CJFL champions 21-16 in Saskatoon. They would go on to defeat the V.I. Raiders in the CJFL championship 55-26, in Regina.
The 2010 Regina Thunder tied a franchise best regular season record of 6–2. The thunder had the leading passer, Reid Quest, the leading rusher, Mark Coons and the two leading receivers, Kolton Solomon and Jay Smith.
The 2010 squad held the first home playoff game in franchise history. In that game, the Thunder posted their first post season victory against the Calgary Colts 17–6.