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Reform Alliance (Ireland)

Reform Alliance
Formation 13 September 2013 (2013-09-13)
Dissolved 3 February 2016 (2016-02-03)
Type Political group
Legal status Registered third party with SIPO
Purpose Political reform
Region served
Website reformalliance.ie

The Reform Alliance was an Irish political group formed on 13 September 2013 by Oireachtas members who had been expelled from the Fine Gael parliamentary party for voting against the party whip. Since the dissolution of the 31st Dail, it has been defunct. Its members described it as a "loose alliance" but did not preclude forming a political party in the future.

The Reform Alliance was announced on 13 September 2013 by five TDs (Lucinda Creighton, Terence Flanagan, Peter Mathews, Denis Naughten and Billy Timmins) and two senators (Paul Bradford and Fidelma Healy Eames). All had been expelled by Fine Gael; Naughten for opposing the downgrade of Roscommon County Hospital in the 2011 budget, and the others in July 2013 for opposing the Fine Gael–Labour coalition's Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013. Brian Walsh, another Fine Gael TD expelled over the 2013 Act, declined to join the bloc. Creighton had the highest profile of the founders, having been Minister of State for European Affairs prior to her expulsion. She denied being the leader of the new group.

Reform Alliance members requested a change to the standing orders of Dáil Éireann to allow it speaking rights. While some ministers suggested the TDs could join the technical group, other commentators argued they were ineligible as they had been elected for a recognised party. There was also speculation about a realignment of the pre-existing technical group, excluding the more left-wing members and including the Reform Alliance and other ex-government TDs.

