Same-sex marriage and civil unions are not legal in Armenia, though the country recognises all marriages performed abroad, including marriages between people of the same sex. The Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples.
In 2006, a same-sex couple celebrated an informal wedding ceremony in the country in the Etchmiadzin Cathedral (Holy See of the Armenian Apostolic Church). The article published about this improvised marriage in "168 Zham" (168 Hours) newspaper provoked a scandal and indignation of local conservative media outlets, politicians and religious officials.
Civil unions and same-sex marriages are not legal in Armenia and there is little public debate surrounding the issues. The Government has close ties with the Armenian Apostolic Church, which opposes same-sex marriage.
Following amendments in 2015, the Constitution reads :
"Article 35. Freedom to Marry
1. A woman and a man having attainted the marriageable age shall have the right to marry and form a family with free expression of their will. The marriageable age and the procedure for marriage and divorce shall be prescribed by law.
2. A woman and a man are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
3. Freedom to marry may be restricted only by law with the aim of protecting health and morals."