Reciprocal length or inverse length is a measurement used in several branches of science and mathematics. As the reciprocal of length, common units used for this measurement include the reciprocal metre or inverse metre (m−1), the reciprocal centimetre or inverse centimetre (cm−1), and, in optics, the dioptre.
Quantities measured in reciprocal length include:
Reciprocal length is used as a measure of energy. The frequency of a photon yields a certain photon energy, according to the Planck-Einstein relation. Therefore, as reciprocal length is a measure of frequency, it can also be used as a measure of energy. For example, the reciprocal centimetre, cm−1, is an energy unit equaling the energy of a photon with 1 cm wavelength. That energy amounts to approximately ×10−4 eV or 1.24×10−23 J. 1.986
The higher the number of inverse length units, the lower the energy. For example, in terms of energy, one reciprocal metre equals (one hundredth) as much as a reciprocal centimetre. Five reciprocal metres are one-fifth as much energy as one reciprocal metre. 10−2