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Reactivity–selectivity principle

In chemistry the reactivity–selectivity principle or RSP states that a more reactive chemical compound or reactive intermediate is less selective in chemical reactions. In this context selectivity represents the ratio of reaction rates.

This principle was generally accepted until the 1970s when too many exceptions started to appear. The principle is now considered obsolete.

A classic example of perceived RSP found in older organic chemistry textbooks concerns the free radical halogenation of simple alkanes. Whereas the relatively unreactive bromine reacts with 2-methylbutane predominantly to 2-bromo-2-methylbutane, the reaction with much more reactive chlorine results in a mixture of all four regioisomers.

Another example of RSP can be found in the selectivity of the reaction of certain carbocations with azides and water. The very stable triphenylmethyl carbocation derived from solvolysis of the corresponding triphenylmethyl chloride reacts 100 times faster with the azide anion than with water. When the carbocation is the very reactive tertiary adamantane carbocation (as judged from diminished rate of solvolysis) this difference is only a factor of 10.

Constant or inverse relationships are just as frequent. For example, a group of 3- and 4-substituted pyridines in their reactivity quantified by their pKa show the same selectivity in their reactions with a group of alkylating reagents.

The reason for the early success of RSP was that the experiments involved very reactive intermediates with reactivities close to kinetic diffusion control and as a result the more reactive intermediate appeared to react slower with the faster substrate.

