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Main isotopes of radon
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life mode energy (MeV) pro­duct
210Rn syn 2.4 h α 6.404 206Po
211Rn syn 14.6 h ε 2.892 211At
α 5.965 207Po
222Rn trace 3.8235 d α 5.590 218Po
224Rn syn 1.8 h β 0.8 224Fr

There are 37 known isotopes of radon (86Rn) from 193Rn to 229Rn; all are radioactive. The most stable isotope is 222Rn with a half-life of 3.823 days. Four isotopes, 218, 219, 220, 222Rn occur in trace quantities in nature as decay products of, respectively, 218At, 223Ra, 224Ra, and 226Ra. 218Rn and 222Rn are intermediate steps in the decay chain for 238U, 219Rn is an intermediate step in the decay chain for 235U and 220Rn occurs in the decay chain for 232Th.

