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Quintus Marcius Turbo

Quintus Marcius Turbo was prefect of the Praetorian Guard and a close friend and military advisor to both emperor Trajan and Hadrian during the early 2nd century.

Not much is known about the early life of Turbo. There are few records or references that provide reliable information regarding his life before he became a soldier. However, it is known that he was born in the late 1st century and came from a city in western Greece called Epidaurus, which was a place well known for its religious temples and healing centers. The first substantive record of Turbo appears in 113 AD, when he rose to prominence in the Roman military; it is thought he held the rank of Primipilus at one point.

The first record of Turbo appears in 113, during the reign of Emperor Trajan. At this time, he was the commander of the Classis Misenensis, the most senior fleet of the Roman Navy and under the direct control of the Emperor. Under Turbo’s command, the fleet sailed to the east to take part in Trajan's invasion of the Parthian Empire sometime between 113 CE and 116 CE.

Approximately at the same time, large portions of the Jewish population in the Empire rose in rebellion, uprisings taking place almost simultaneously in Judea, Egypt, Libya, Cyprus and parts of Mesopotamia. The grain supply from Egypt to Rome was threatened and with local authorities unable to quell the rebellion, Trajan sent Marcius Turbo, one of his best military men and closest confidants, to Egypt to deal with the situation.

Turbo reestablished control over Egypt and eventually Cyprus. Turbo became the military Prefect of Egypt for several years while the province went through a process of rehabilitation. In 117 Trajan died and was succeeded by his adopted son Hadrian. From the beginning of Hadrian’s reign, Turbo was a close friend, adviser and confidant of Hadrian. After the Jewish revolt had been quelled, Turbo accompanied Hadrian to Mauretania in North Africa where they jointly led a military campaign against local rebels; later Hadrian left Turbo in control of the area and campaign. As another example of how much Hadrian trusted Turbo, he put Turbo in charge of two provinces in North Africa, Mauretania Caesariensis and Mauretania Tingitana.

