Pulgaon Cotton Mills Ltd. (PCM Ltd.), is a former textile industry company, that was located in the town of Pulgaon, in Maharashtra state, India.
The cotton milling company was founded in 1890 during the colonial British Raj period. It was one of the historic industries based in central India, and was in operation for 113 years.
It was closed by the State Government of Maharashtra in March 2003, putting almost 2000 families into economic trouble, by losing a major source of income for people in the town and surrounding areas.
It is said that, under the high pressure of the Builder Lobby in state and getting a bulk amount of money, State Government of Maharashtra closed 11 Mills in the State between 2000-2003, and PCM was one of them, leaving bad impacts on minds & scars on the souls of the people in the state.
The Ganesh Festival in PCM was the biggest of its type in the Vidarbha region and the most famous one. It is not being offered anymore as it used to be before the closure of PCM in 2003, for 10 days in Aug-Sept of every year.