Proto-Mongoloid also known as Southern Mongoloid is a historical term used to refer to a sub-type of the Mongoloid race and classified by William W. Howells. In Japan, Kazuro Haniwara and Keiichi Omoto use this terminology. Proto-Mongoloid is not still adapted to cold clamate in Siberia, that is the fundamental difference from Neo-Mongoloid.
Ainu people, living in Hokkaido in Japanese archipelago, is typical Proto-Mongoloid. Jomon people in Japan was Proto-mongoloid. Between 8th and 3rd century BC, Neo-Mongoloid Yayoi people migrated to Japan on and off and mixed with native Proto-Mongolid Jomon people , and consequently, current Japanese people was formed.
The term, Proto-Mongoloid, was used to refer to all or part of the populations of Southeast Asia, Southern China, Taiwan, Japan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, East and Northeast India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Polynesia and Micronesia.
Proto-Mongoloid is relatively short, and has finely chiseled features, double eyelids, much body hair and wavy hair.
Ainu people, belonging to Proto-Mongoloid, was considered to be Caucasoid at one time, because of their different characters from Yamato people such as finely chiseled features and thickly haired. However, these characters are not the autapomorphies of Caucasoid but the plesiomorphies of all human races except Neo-Mongoloid. Recent genetic researches have revealed that the most closest relative of Proto-Mongoloid is Neo-Mongoloid and their ancestors split tens of thousands year before present.