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Prospect Hill virus

Prospect Hill virus
Sin Nombre hanta virus TEM PHIL 1136 lores.jpg
Prospect Hill virus has a widespread distribution in Maryland, West Virginia, Minnesota, and California.
Virus classification
Group: Group V ((−)ssRNA)
Order: Unassigned
Family: Bunyaviridae
Genus: Hantavirus
Type species
Hantaan virus

Prospect Hill virus

Prospect Hill virus

Prospect Hill virus is a single-stranded, negative-sense Hantaan-like zoonotic RNA virus isolated from meadow voles and microtine and other cricetid rodents in the United States. It has a widespread distribution in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Minnesota and California. The overall risk of infection in humans is low. It was first isolated from a meadow vole found in Prospect Hill, Maryland for which it is named.

Transmission to humans is believed to occur through aersolized inhalation of mouse excreta and possibly through fomite contamination.

Lancet. 1982 Dec 18;2(8312):1405. New hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome-related virus in rodents in the United States. Lee PW, Amyx HL, Gajdusek DC, Yanagihara RT, Goldgaber D, Gibbs CJ Jr.

