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Progress Party (Russia)

Progress Party
Партия Прогресса
Leader Alexei Navalny
Founded 15 December 2012
Headquarters Moscow, Russia
Ideology Civic nationalism
Political position Centre
European affiliation None
International affiliation None
Colours Turquoise, White
Seats in the State Duma
0 / 450
Seats in the Regional Parliaments
0 / 3,787
partyprogress.org (in Russian)

The Progress Party (Russian: Па́ртия Прогрéсса; Partiya Progressa) formerly the People’s Alliance (Russian: Наро́дный Алья́нс; Narodnyiy Alyans) is a political party in Russia led by the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny. It is opposed to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his United Russia party.

The party's platform stands for the decentralization of power in Russia, cutting the number of government officials, lustration for those responsible for political repressions, reducing the president’s powers, possibly switching to a parliamentary republic and ensuring the independence of the judiciary. It also stipulates "drastically reducing" government interference in the economy, ending censorship, prohibiting the government from owning media outlets and abolishing conscription.

The foreign policy plank calls for introducing visas with Central Asia, stopping support for "rogue states" and partnering up with Western countries.

The People’s Alliance party was founded on 15 December 2012 at the party’s founding congress. Initially, Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny declined to join the political party which was formed mostly by his followers.

People’s Alliance is my party, but I don’t think that right now People’s Alliance needs another member who spends his time torn between the Investigative Committee and some court hearing involving Rosneft. Yet it is my party; it represents my interests.

