This is a list of professional wrestling promotions in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man) and lists both active and notable defunct professional wrestling promotions from the 1950s to the present day.
Corey Vandal
Steve Morocco
Tim Birkett
Jeremy Brown
PJ Jones
2009-2013 2016-
Alan Smith
Leemark Massey
Lee Elmer Matt Burden
Steven Winnie
Zack Gibson
Drew Shardlow Micheal Brown
the West Midlands
Corey Vandal
Mark Fry
Stuart Platt
Tony Simpson
/ Ring Wrestling Stars
The Hurst Syndicate (late 1960s)
Jarvis Astaire
William Hill plc (subsidiary 1970s-1986)
Max Crabtree (1986-1995)
"Psycho" Steve Edwards
Johnny Harris