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Private Security Company Association of Iraq

The Private Security Company Association of Iraq (PSCAI) was a not-for-profit organization formed and maintained to discuss and address matters of mutual interest and concern to the industry conducting private security functions in Iraq. The PSCAI worked closely with the Iraqi Government, Coalition governments and Coalition forces to promote transparency, legitimacy, and accountability for the private security company industry. The PSCAI was dissolved on December 31, 2011.

Consisting of over 40 member companies, the PSCAI was the only active trade group in Iraq focusing on issues related to the private security company (PSC) industry. The PSCAI served a liaison between the Multi-National Force – Iraq (MNF-I), the Government of Iraq (GoI), the Coalition Governments and its member companies. While primarily an operationally focused organization, the PSCAI advocated on behalf of the industry internationally. In addition to representing its members in meetings with senior leaders of the United States Government, Coalition Governments and the Government of Iraq to include the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), the association disseminated information critical to operations in Iraq to all members.

The PSCAI held monthly Plenary Meetings or when required. Typically, these meetings were attended by member companies operating in Iraq, as well as by representatives of the Iraq Ministry of Interior (MoI)1, US Embassy Regional Security Office (RSO), Joint Area Support Group Central (JASG-C), Multi-National Force Iraq (MNFI), Multi-National Corps – Iraq (MNCI), the MNCI Contractor Operations Center (CONOC), the MNFI Contractor Procedures Oversight Division (CPOD), USAF International Zone Police, Project & Contracting Office (PCO) Logistics, Logistics Movement Control Center (LMCC), and the Joint Contracting Command Iraq and Afghanistan (JCC-IA)."[2]

A small core staff including an appointed Director and Deputy Director lead the association. The remaining leadership of the association is a seven-member Board of Directors serving six-month terms. The Board is elected from representatives of member companies and is responsible for setting overall policy and objectives for the association.

For some time, the association was involved in efforts to enforce standard rules and regulations as guidelines for conducting private security operations in Iraq. Additionally, the association was working with the Government in all of Iraq to ensure fair, consistent, and transparent licensing and registration procedures and operational matters including weapons cards and registration, vehicle registration, incident resolution, etc.

