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Prison Four

Prison Four (Hebrew: כלא ארבע‎‎, Kele Arba), officially Confinement Base 394 (Hebrew: בסיס כליאה 394‎‎, Bsis Kli'a 394) is an Israeli military prison for Israeli soldiers, located in the military police compound in Tzrifin (Camp Yadin), Israel.

It is the main prison for military prisoners in Israel (the secondary being Prison Six) and can contain approximately 600 prisoners. It is the only prison for Israeli soldiers during an emergency. Prison Four accepts all prisoners except officers, senior NCOs, some military policemen and soldiers who serve in the Northern Command. These go to Prison Six.

Prison Four was founded soon after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and absorbed prisoners from the provisional jail set up in northern Tel Aviv (al-Shaykh Muwannis) beforehand. It suffered great neglect and overcapacity from the onset, and in 1949, a commission of inquiry was ordered by the Chief of Staff, led by Aluf Moshe Zadok and Aluf David Shaltiel. Prison Six was eventually founded as a result of the extreme overcapacity.

Ever since, Prison Four has been gradually undergoing major changes. The prison was the first to experiment with new ideas in the prison sector, like the operation of security cameras in key locations, as well as the rehabilitation program abbreviated to Gahelet (lit. factors for returning to proper service) in 2000. In 2006, a load of expensive items belonging to prisoners deposited in the prison's safe, were stolen, and in January 2008, the first prisoner in the history of the jail died, although the exact circumstances of his death are not clear. Both events are causing the high command of the Military Police Corps to rethink their approach to the prison system, and install new safeguards.

