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Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco

Prince Moulay Rachid
Prince of Morocco
Born (1970-06-20) 20 June 1970 (age 46)
Rabat, Morocco
Spouse Oum Kalthum Boufarès
Issue Prince Moulay Ahmed
Full name
Rachid El Alaoui
Dynasty Alaouite
Father Hassan II
Mother Lalla Latifa Hammou
Religion Islam
Full name
Rachid El Alaoui

Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco, also known as Prince Moulay Rachid ben al-Hassan, GCVO, (Arabic: الأمير مولاي رشيد بن الحسن‎‎) was born on 20 June 1970 in Rabat as the youngest male child of the late King Hassan II and his second wife, Lalla Latifa Hammou. He holds a doctorate in international politics and serves Morocco as a diplomat. He is currently second in the line of succession to the Moroccan throne.

After primary and secondary studies at the Royal College in Rabat and obtaining the Baccalauréat in June 1989, he entered Mohammed V University in Rabat to start his higher studies in Law. In May 1993, Prince Moulay Rachid obtained his Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) majoring in economic and social law. The same year the Prince received his License to Practice Law – Public Law with the mention “very good”. On 29 June 1995, the Prince completed his graduate studies and received a Master of Law (LL.M.) in Political Science, with mention “very good”. The Bosnia question was the subject of his research and the thesis that the Prince presented and supported publicly. In order to complete his training for his postgraduate education, in November 1993, the Prince started an internship with the United Nations in New York. On 18 May 2001, the Prince presented his doctorate thesis on the Organisation of the Islamic Conference at the Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, which merited a specific mention for the quality of his work. On 21 June 1996, the Prince successfully completed the written and oral tests for his postgraduate education and received a postgraduate Degree in International Relations, with mention “very good”.

In addition to his native language Arabic, the Prince speaks English, French, and Spanish.

