Pottersville is a hamlet in Chester, Warren County, New York, United States. In the census of 2010, the population was 424 people. The town is located in Adirondack Park on U.S. Route 9. Pottersville is home to the largest marble cave entrance in the eastern United States. (“Natural Stone Bridge and Caves”, Web).
Pottersville is Chester's second largest hamlet behind Chestertown.
As of the census of 2010, the population in Pottersville is 424. The population density is 182.29 people per square mile. The town’s population is mainly white at 97.88%, .24% black, .71% Hispanic, and .94% Asian. The majority of the population in Pottersville is of Irish descent at 23.46%. The average person in Pottersville is about 39 years old; the median age of men in the town is 40 years and the median age of women is 38 years. There are a total of 162 households in the town with an average of 2.49 people per household. The average family size in Pottersville is 3.05 with 48.77% being married couple families and 34.5% being non-family households.
The median household income for people ranging from the ages of 24 to 44 in Pottersville is $32,009. For people 65 years and above, the median income is $45,313. The population in poverty in the town is 201 (55.07%) and the family in poverty count is 40 (33.06%).
Pottersville’s population is composed of mainly females at 52.12%, compared to the male population of the remaining 47.88%. These numbers are similar when compared to New York’s national average of 51.61% female and 48.39% male. The U.S. average is 50.84% female and 49.16% male. (USA.com)
Along with the Chestertown and Horicon, Pottersville students are zoned to North Warren Central School. (Chester, Warren County. Web.)
Pottersville is home to the largest marble cave entrance in the eastern United States, Natural Stone Bridge and Caves Park. Though the formations are over a billion years old, the caves have only been open to the public since the late 1700s. (“Natural Stone Bridge and Caves”. Web.)
Another popular attraction in Pottersville is Railroads on Parade, a large train exhibit that draws the interest of tourists from around the Adirondacks. There are over 50 trains and trolleys on display in the million dollar exhibit. (“Railroads on Parade”. Web.)
Along with aforementioned attractions, Pottersville is in close proximity of multiple lakes. The town is just 23 miles from the popular tourist site, Lake George, 4.5 miles from a smaller lake, Loon Lake, .5 miles from Schroon Lake, and 10 miles from Friends Lake. These locations make it easy for tourists to participate in water related activities during the warmer months and partake in winter activities during the long winter months. (adirondack.net. Web.)