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Potassium tetrafluoroborate

Tetrafluoroborate is the anion BF4. This tetrahedral species is isoelectronic with tetrafluoromethane, CF4 and tetrafluoroammonium NF4+, and is valence isoelectronic with many stable and important species including the closely related anion perchlorate, ClO4. It arises by the reaction of fluoride salts with the Lewis acid BF3, treatment of tetrafluoroboric acid with base, or by treatment of boric acid with hydrofluoric acid.

The popularization of BF4 has led to decreased use of ClO4 in the laboratory. With organic compounds, especially amine derivatives, ClO4 forms potentially explosive derivatives. One disadvantage to BF4 is its slight sensitivity to hydrolysis [reference?], whereas ClO4 does not suffer from this problem. Safety considerations, however, overshadow this inconvenience.

The utility of BF4 arises because its salts are often more soluble in organic solvents than the related nitrate or halide salts. Furthermore, BF4 is less nucleophilic and basic than nitrates and halides. Thus, when using salts of BF4, one can usually assume that the cation is the reactive agent and this tetrahedral anion is inert. BF4 owes its inertness to two factors: (i) it is symmetrical so that the negative charge is distributed equally over several (four) atoms, and (ii) it is composed of highly electronegative fluorine atoms, which diminish the basicity of the anion. Related to BF4 is hexafluorophosphate, PF6, which is even more stable toward hydrolysis and whose salts tend to be more lipophilic.

