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see also Winkler extraction

device used to extract ants and other living organism from soil and leaf-litter samples; a sample is placed on a screen with a funnel beneath, and a heat source above; the drying forces the animals downwards, where they fall into a collecting jar, usually filled with alcohol

see also myrmecodomatium

in plants, tiny chamber produced by plants to house arthropods

see also hypogaeic

living or foraging above the ground

see also ergatoid

denotes any intercaste female morphologically intermediate between workers and (winged) queens, not restricted to the reproductive caste; formerly often used interchangeably to refer to ergatoid queens

see also ergatogyne

a wingless (dealate) reproductive adult ant, anatomically intermediate in form between workers and winged queens or males

see also pleometrosis

colony founding by a single queen

see also epigaeic

subterranean, living below the ground, or at least beneath the leaf litter, stones or dead bark

see also mermithogyne

"parasitogenic" phenotype of worker ants, caused by mermithid nematodes

see also mermithergate

"parasitogenic" phenotype of gynes, caused by mermithid nematodes

see also polyandry

queen mating with a single male

see also polydomy

