In Greek mythology, Polemos (Πόλεμος; "war") was a divine personification or embodiment of war. No cult practices or myths are known for him, and as an abstract representation he figures mainly in allegory and philosophical discourse. The Roman counterpart of this figure was Bellum.
Pindar says that Polemos is the father of Alala, goddess of the war-cry. According to Quintus Smyrnaeus, Polemos was the brother of the war goddess Enyo. Other Greek personifications of war and the battlefield include Ares, Eris, the Makhai, the Hysminai, the Androktasiai, the Phonoi and the Keres. In Aesop's fable of "War and his Bride", told by Babrius and numbered 367 in the Perry Index, it is related how Polemos drew Hubris (insolent arrogance) as his wife in a marriage lottery. So fond has he become of her that the two are now inseparable. Therefore, Babrius warns, "Let not Insolence ever come among the nations or cities of men, finding favour with the crowd; for after her straightway War will be at hand".
In Aristophanes' Acharnians, it is reported that Polemos is banned from parties for burning vineyards, emptying the wine and disrupting the singing. He is set in opposition to Dicaeopolis, who profitably champions peace and longs for marriage with Diallage, "Reconciliation". Dionysos, god of the life force, uses a vine stake as a weapon to wound the soldier Lamachus for neglecting him in favor of Polemos, but overall Aristophanes seem to be advocating a balance between Dionysos and Polemos, since the interests of the polis are served at times by peace and other times by war.