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Point of Order

Point of order (RONR)
Class Incidental motion
In order when another has the floor? Yes
Requires second? No
Debatable? No (but chair can permit explanation), unless it is submitted to the assembly for a vote
May be reconsidered? No, unless it is submitted to the assembly for a vote
Amendable? No
Vote required Is ruled by the chair, unless it is submitted to the assembly for a vote (then it requires a majority vote)

In parliamentary procedure, a point of order is when someone draws attention to a rules violation in a meeting of a deliberative assembly.

In Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR), a point of order may be raised if the rules appear to have been broken. This may interrupt a speaker during debate, or anything else if the breach of the rules warrants it. The point is resolved before business continues.

The point of order calls upon the chair to make a ruling. The chair may rule on the point of order or submit it to the judgment of the assembly. If the chair accepts the point of order, it is said to be ruled "well taken". If not, it is said to be ruled "not well taken".

Generally, a point of order must be raised at the time the rules are broken or else it would be too late. For example, if a motion was made and discussion began on it, it would be too late to raise a point of order that the motion was not seconded. If such a motion was adopted without a second, it remains valid and not having a second becomes irrelevant.

Exceptions to the rule that a point of order must be raised at the time of violation include that a point of order may be raised at any time a motion was adopted in violation of the bylaws or applicable law, in conflict with a previously adopted motion (unless adopted by the vote to rescind it), or in violation of a fundamental principle of parliamentary law.

The ruling of the chair may be appealed to the assembly in most cases. A majority vote against the chair's ruling is required to overturn it.

A point of order is sometimes erroneously used to ask a question of information or a question of parliamentary procedure. If a member asks such a question, the chair should treat the question as the appropriate request.

