Pine Island is an island of Northern Ontario, Canada, in the northwestern portion of Lake Huron, near the mouth of the St. Marys River, which connects Lake Huron with Lake Superior. It has a mix of year-round and seasonal (cottage) residents. Some of them live near the island; and some of those neighbors live on other smaller islands nearby. During the night, a nearby lighthouse blinks with an interval of approximately 3 seconds. The lighthouse is located on Matthew's Island, used seasonally by the Matthew's family. This island is geographically close to St. Joseph Island.
A massload of boaters fish in the district around Pine Island. This island is also geographically close to the International border of the United States. This island has mostly dirt roads and the nearest major highway to this island is Highway 17. To get from the main land to Pine Island, you must cross a causeway that has no barriers on the sides. This causeway is a popular fishing spot.
The island is home to many different types of wildlife which include bears, coyotes, foxes, blue herons, and typical forest wildlife.
There is an old, sunken ferry dock near the boat launch that was used in the early 1900s.
Relatively low volume sound can travel far, even a medium-amplitude noise can travel from Pine Island to St. Joseph Island.
Mosquitos breed heavily on this and neighboring islands.
Coordinates: 46°19′38″N 84°04′36″W / 46.3273°N 84.0766°W