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Philips Dupont Magnetics

Recording Media Group International (also known as RMGi) was a Dutch manufacturer of magnetic tape products based in Oosterhout. This plant was initially built by Philips in 1968, and spun off into a joint venture with DuPont, PDM (Philips Dupont Magnetics, B.V.) which lasted until 1993. At this point, SK Germany (?) took over the plant and named the company Magnetic Products Oosterhout B.V.. In 2004, the company became known by its current name after acquiring equipment, processes, and talent from EMTEC's Munich plant. For its entire existence, the factory has produced magnetic tape for recording analog audio or video.

As of 2007, the company manufactured high-quality magnetic tape for recording analog audio. It sells these products under the EMTEC brand as well as its own name, RMGi.

In 2012 French company Pyral took over RMGI, closing the original Dutch plant down. Equipment was moved to the Pyral site in France in Avranches, France, and a new building was set up to run the Audio Tape manufacturing. In October 2013 Pyral went into receivership protection, largely due to the cost of setting up the RMGi tape equipment and the cost of the new building.

In January 2015 the company Mulann was awarded the assets of Pyral by French Court decision for an undisclosed amount of money and resumed production of the open reel tapes, now being sold under the brand name of Recording The Masters.

