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Paweł Działyński

Paweł Działyński (Latin: Paulus Dzialinski; born 1560 – died 1609) of Ogończyk coat of arms, was a Polish courtier, royal secretary, ambassador and governor of Bobrowniki and Radziejów.

A hapless ambassador, while faithfully fulfilling his orders to deliver an ultimatum to Queen Elizabeth I from King Sigismund III, he acted not as a legate, but inappropriately and scandalously as a herald, insulting and criticizing the queen.

The Muslim Ottoman Empire and Christian England were allies of convenience against Spain. While Elizabeth's armies were fighting Catholic forces in the Low Countries to prevent the Spanish from gaining secure harbours on the Channel coast to stage an invasion, England also served Turkish interests by diverting Spain from focusing on domination of the Mediterranean. In 1580, the Turks threatened to invade Poland from lands located north of the Black Sea. The good will of Poland was crucial to England because trade with countries bordering the Baltic was the source of grain and the all important forest products needed to maintain the navy. Furthermore, English merchants enjoyed preferential trading privileges within the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Elizabeth's intercession with the Caliphate was credited with cancelling the invasion and she received letters of praise from then reigning Polish king, Stephen Bathory.

