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Paullus Fabius Maximus

Paullus Fabius Maximus (died AD 14) was a member of the Augustan aristocracy toward the end of the first century BC. He was consul in 11 BC, and a confidant of the emperor.

Fabius was the elder son of Quintus Fabius Maximus, one of Caesar's legates during the Civil War, whom Caesar appointed consul suffectus on October 1, 45 BC. He was named after his ancestor, Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus. The elder Fabius died on the last day of his consulship, December 31, leaving Paullus, his younger brother, Africanus Fabius Maximus, and a sister, Fabia Paullina.

Fabius' first known post was that of quaestor, in which capacity he served under Augustus during the emperor's travels through the eastern provinces from 22 to 19 BC. In 11 BC, Fabius was consul with Quintus Aelius Tubero, probably the jurist, and a former partisan of Pompeius during the Civil War. After his consulship, he served as proconsul of Asia; the exact period of his administration is uncertain, with some sources favouring 10 to 9 BC, others 9 to 8, and still others as 6 to 5. During this time, he minted a number of coins bearing his image.[2] In 3 BC, Fabius was legate of Hispania Tarraconensis.

During Fabius' administration of Asia, the provincial council decreed a competition to find a unique honour for the emperor. The winner was to receive a crown from the province. The proconsul himself submitted the winning proposal: a new calendar for the province, wherein the new year would start on September 23, Augustus' birthday.

At some time between 20 and 10 BC, Fabius married Marcia, daughter of Lucius Marcius Philippus, consul in 56 BC. Her mother, Atia, was an aunt of Augustus, making Marcia the emperor's cousin. They had at least one son, Paullus Fabius Persicus, who was probably born in 2 or 1 BC. The younger Fabius was consul in AD 34, with Lucius Vitellius, father of the emperor Aulus Vitellius. The elder Fabius and Marcia may also have been the parents of Fabia Numantina, although she may have been the daughter of Paullus' brother, Africanus.

